After a peaceful party, I felt good. It was a ...hum, party in Chinese style, but I spoke English only in a Chinese community. I was so gross. If i saw someone did this knid of thing, I would kick him out for sure. Therefore, I kept quiet hardly because I was talktive. Haha! As all you know it was useless. I talked a lot. What is life? Maybe it is true that Life is eating, drinking, digesting and sleeping. People always think too much. I have a dream about being a famous person in the world. By what? Maybe a chef, a polit, a teacher or a businessman. A girl told me that the famous chefs in the world almost grow up in France and Italy. Now here are the second witness who is "talking" with me. Okey, I believe you all. Maybe it is my destiny to learn Italian. There is filled with surprises in my life, maybe it is long enough to experience defferent events. Still. I still can't give up my idea which is that I don't have a normal life only. Is this the thing what always force me to move on a strange way? I am thinking....It seems abvious without doubt. That's why I have to be alone usually and I always think something unusually. Is it? Nobody can answer htis question for me but I. *About the picture, this is aperson who knows what she wants and how she could reach the goal.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I met a philosophy girl
After a peaceful party, I felt good. It was a ...hum, party in Chinese style, but I spoke English only in a Chinese community. I was so gross. If i saw someone did this knid of thing, I would kick him out for sure. Therefore, I kept quiet hardly because I was talktive. Haha! As all you know it was useless. I talked a lot. What is life? Maybe it is true that Life is eating, drinking, digesting and sleeping. People always think too much. I have a dream about being a famous person in the world. By what? Maybe a chef, a polit, a teacher or a businessman. A girl told me that the famous chefs in the world almost grow up in France and Italy. Now here are the second witness who is "talking" with me. Okey, I believe you all. Maybe it is my destiny to learn Italian. There is filled with surprises in my life, maybe it is long enough to experience defferent events. Still. I still can't give up my idea which is that I don't have a normal life only. Is this the thing what always force me to move on a strange way? I am thinking....It seems abvious without doubt. That's why I have to be alone usually and I always think something unusually. Is it? Nobody can answer htis question for me but I. *About the picture, this is aperson who knows what she wants and how she could reach the goal.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
WHAT do I want to do?
It is not the first time and it won't be the last time either to be asked this question. I wonder why I can't answer this question anymore. It has been so easy to respond, ever. The answer is there, not far away, but I can't or I wouldn't like to go forward to touch it. I wonder if I am afraid about something what I had buried deeply long time ago? What is your favorate fruit? What is your favorate colour? What is your favorate sport? What sort of animal is your favorate? What kind of girl do you like? What kind of job do you want to get? What kind of life do you desire? What kind of person do you want to be? What ........ I looked at these geese, and they looked at me too. I was thinking, "You are so cute, beautiful and plump. Don't you feel cold? Don't look at me like that way. Seems like you are human beings and I am the animal." Geese were thinking too, "Are you idiot? It is so cold today. What are you doing here? If I am you, I would like to stay at home whole winter. And don't look at me like this way, seems you are human being with pride. I don't give you a shXt." What kind of person I want to be is like this. WHat kind of goose I want to be is this too. I must release something inside via some special way. I am in a bottleneck. I need more space .\ /.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
This time I feel "FINAL"
Today is our final lunch. Again. This is my second time. What's the difference? This time, there are three classmates who will go back "home" after this lunch. The real "Home". The feeling is complex. Separation is always hurt. We make friends in two months. This kind of friendship is so brittle, but sometimes it is so flexible accidentally.It is necessary to spread some magical powder in our relationship. What we have today, we will share that in our future. Dear young students, the main point is to improve your English definitely; however, the treasury is friendship. It is a bonus, but it can not be the mainpoint. It is tricky, but it is easy to earn. Nevertheless, easy come, easy go. We will see. Professor Masaaki Yatsuzuka, General Manager Paola Mariani, still Professor Patricia Glogowski, haha. Nice to meet you at this time. Before you become big whales, I would like to treasure our pure relationship sincerely. One day, you will develop the person who breathe mature temperament, and you are going to become a charming, appealing and complete "you". When that time, we will have various topics to talk with each other, and we will have a long time to warm up our friendship. Before that day comes, please take care of yourselves. Wish all of you have wonderful and fantastic future. Good luck!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Memory, sad, hold it tightly, until you feel it is joyful
I am auspicious. Originally, I think I "should" skip 5B to 5A; however, my writing was too terrible to skip. Now I am gonna finish my session in 5B, and I am pretty sure that I am lucky to be "their" classmate. My dear classmates! This is life. If everything just goes by your plan, can you imagine how boring your life will be? Because of darkness, we could understand what brightness is. Because of something happened unexpectedly, we start to know that life is brittle, but it can be flexible, too. Treasuring what we already had, and it is not necessary to be regret or jealous if something didn't go by your mind. We are smart, yet we are stupid enough. Opening your hands and releasing what you already have, then you can get what you really want. Dear classmates, one day, when you are my age, some of you will yearn for this period of time because you enjoyed the time with us so deeply. 2 months! What can you do in 2 months in your country? Earn $10,000 dollars? Buy several pairs of luxurious shoes? or you can get married with someone you love. In YUELI, we spend 2 months on meeting new friends. Do you know that somebody will exist in your life forever? Do you know there are something changed inside of you. If you didn't feel that now, don't worry, you will. Next time, when you travel to Bulgaria, Poland, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, China and Korea, you are gonna observe that you have been here before, yet you didn't.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesdays of Morrie
I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't. I know death already, and it is really hurt when you understand that you would never talk with the person any more. It is like Morrie said that when I am dead, you talk and I listen. There were too many wise sentences in this movie, and I have to chew them several days, then I can swallow them down. Do I live the life what I want to live? Do I do what I want to do now? Am I peace with myself? Do I love......I am afraid to answer these questions because I know these answers are all "NO". I am lucky, for I watched this movie today. Some people, maybe they have no chance to watch this movie in their lives, and they will be fear and comfused with these matters all the time. Life, death, emotion, and love are the foundational and most important elements what we all have to learn and experience in our lives, and there is no exception. I have to know death, then I will know something about life. Do I have to lost something first, then I can understand what I already have? It costs too much. Something will never come back if it already passed. If you have lost something, you must know what I mean. It is very sad because we only can learn some things, such as love, after we experience them, even you are the smartest guy in the world. Finally, I want to say thank you to Patricia. You taught us a lot what we can't image. Thank you, Queen Patricia.*___*
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Lego=Let us go .\ /.
My best friend showed me a video this midnight. It made by his cousin-Leo. Making a video is not a big deal; however, he took more than 2000 pictures by his DSLR to record the progress which is how he comprised more than 5000 pieces Lego to accomplish the Ultimate Collector´s Millennium Falcon. It is amazing, or I should say he is crazy and fantastic!! Now Lego asks him to promote their products. In my memory, I have never played Lego, but I heard it is good for children to practice their brains. The auther said it costed him more than 35 hours to finish this work, and he is going to attend an exhibition to display his Millennium Falcon. Until now, did anybody get some ideas? I am sure you did. To most people, it sounds kind of a stupid or crazy work to record a progress about how to make a Lego becuase it is a toy. Some people maybe will think the guy is lucky because Lego are going to pay him a sum of money to be their voice. To me, I saw a person did what he loves to do, and that is what Steve Jobs told "us" in Stanford U. He enjoyed the progress, and he made an excellent work. Some feeling is not easy to explain, but to feel it or soak in it. Leo, who I don't know him, influnced something inside of me suddenly. Is it what Steve Jobs said, "stay foolish, stay hungry"? I look at a foolish person, and he seems like me who I was , ever. I want to keep looking for my love strongly. I appreciate this virus to make me so tired, for I can be awake now to think what is the most important matter in my life or when I am alive. How many days will I have in my life? How many things do I really want to do? How many things should I be brave to try? How many people should I be brave to love? It is worth to get cold. Haha....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Got cold
It is not fantastic....I feel cold always; however I understand why people said they got cold when they were sick. Have you ever thought sick people were so charming? They talk fewer, and move slowly. They become quiet and polite becasue illness makes them weak. When I got cold, I always people around me treat me so gentle and sweet. Haha. Today my symbol was sore throat, and I tried not to talk too much. Unfortunately, I am a talktive person. I attend a lecture what's topic is environment science. Professor didn't use microphone, and it was harder for me to follow him. It was an interesting subject, yet professor made it a little boring. This was the last time that we could join Your's lecture in this seccion. I did a right decision, and I got some ideas in the lecture. Although I felt sleepy, it was a excellent experience. By the way, I found the Art college in York. It was amazing! That was my dream, ever. Anyway, I was enjoyable today very much. Thank everybody!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Improve club~~It works
Wonderful! This club get better now, and I want to recommend my classmates to join us. Before we had activities to operate our brain, and today we had debate. It was Fantastic!! We had three topics which were Pepsi vs Coke, Cats vs Dogs, and english vs international lauguages. I had to say these discussion were much better than the one that level 6 students held, and maybe Kathereen could give them some suggetions to "improve" their discussion. I appreciated level 6 students and Kathereen that i got a lot of chances to practice my speaking and listening. I believe that discussion and debate are efficient exercises to train how to organize out thought and how to speak English orderly. In the process, I tried to make an aggressive atmosphere to start a fierce debate, and it worked. We had a wonderful time. By the way, Kathereen asked us to use conjunctions to constitute our expression. We took advantage of learning new vocabulary, correct our pronunciation, and develop our English skills when we attended improve club. WHat I can say, it is incredible!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple and Pixar Animation
I prefer this kind of speech because it is short and concentrative. What Steve Jobs said is the fact we already know it very well, but most of us just keep thinking it instead of making our dreams come true. Maybe it is a kind of bad habit to keep holding a job, and sometime I agree with that. It is the reason to send me here, too. I believe everyone know and understand that we have to be loyal to our faith and listen to our hearts. We have to love what we do and do what we love. The trick is how to maintain your heart clear and calm. I had worked to a company for almost ten years until last year. I think I did it well because I already got a good salary and a high position when I decided to leave it. I am lucky, for I hear the voice from my heart again. Definitely, it is hard to open your arms to lose evrything which you hold it with enjoyment. I still have my faith, and I don't want to devote my whole life to earning money only. I had believed I should do what I love, but I surrended to the reality. I was enjoy being a normal salesman to keep my satisfied life for a long time, but part of me always denied bending to reality. I am fortune to be in Toronto, and I am fortune to listen to this speech. It inspires me again, and it reminds me what I have looked for my life from I was a child. The feeling is like you gain something back what you lost for a long long time. Something is only happened in somebody because these people prepare from this incident already. They are winner, for they are brave to make significant choice in their tough time. Now I am here to extend my first step to my love, yet I don't know what I want still. However, I unsettle my life as Steve Jobs said, and I am going to restart to looking for my dream again. I am not sure I can be hungry and foolish for how long, but I will believe in my heart and hold my faith to step forward bravely. I hope someday I can stand where Steve Jobs did.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I recommend this work shop strongly, especially the second part of it. The professor of this class was Patricia again, and it was very useful. How to make a wonderful presentation? There are some sections what we should pay more attention on. First, we should choose a interesting topic to do our research, and we have to make sure we can understand this topic very well. Second, we have to remember the important points in this topic, and maybe we can make some notes in a small piece of paper to be a reminder when we do our presentation. Third, we should practice many times to make our presentation fluent and perfect. We can record ourself ,or we present in front of our friends or a mirror if soem of us have no friends. That is Patricia said. I think it works because we need somebody to tell us what kind of the problems we have, and some of this problems are made in unconscious status. Finally, be confident and relaxed. If we prepare enough and practice doing our presentation as much as we can, we would have confidence to make an xcellent presentation. The second part of this work shop is how to use Powerpoint, and it is more helpful. It is knid of a bonus because it can make your presentation more attractive. In conclusion, it was an excellent class, and I am gonna introduce this class to my friends and my classmates. It costs you just two hours, but you could get enjoyable period of time and gain various knowledge at the same time. Fantastic!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Level 6 's Discussion
Today's topic was "Sex in advertising sells, how much .....". Actually, I couldn't remember it completely, but I knew it discussed about too much naked image in TV and magazines. Another point is how these sexy or sexual images influence people and society. It should be a good chance to practice our speaking, but it was not because there were too many people. However, I learned something about how to host a successful discussion. In my opinion, participators should prepare their perpectives before they join this discussion, and they should make their opinions short as summarys. Hosters should countrol the situation, and they have to make sure that everyone must has at least one chance to convey their opinions and hosters have to keep the atmosphere exciting, too. The topic is good, but I think all of us need to practice more to make a good discussion. On the other hand, it is also important to make everyone focus on only one topic. Today some people thought too much to miss the spot, and this kind of behavior or situation would waste people's time, and there would be no conclusion. Eventually, it ended because there was no more time. I had a precious experience in this discussion although it was not so good and complete. I appreciated that they hosted an interesting discussion.
Professor Nick Elson
I should post this one earlier, but today is a better day to talk about Professor Nick Elson. "Queen" Patricia recommended this professor for us, and definitely he is a fascinate scholar. The topic was“Effective Academic Strategies for Students from ESL Backgrounds". It sounds a little serious; however, I had great time in that hour because he was funny, humorous, and charming. That day he talked about note taking, rehearsul, how to write a good essay, and etc..What made me impressive was a theory which's name is broken arm, and it was relative to note taking. The story was someday a student broke his right arm, and he is a right handed person, so he couldn't take note for three months. It was horrible! As we can see when we attend to some lectures, alomst every student can type or write so fast to write the note down. Professor Nick Elson stated that the student who broke his arm observed that he could remember more information in class, and he could understood what professor talked about because he has to put more attention in class. It is a good news to me, for i don't like to take note in class. It sounds a little strange, but it is true. If I can concentrate on professor's speech, my brain would operate to remember and understand everything in class. Professor's theory is like a cure for me. Im clusion, everyone has his/her particular method to study, so we should find the proper way to gain knowledge. Of course, we don't have to break our arms first to discover some tricks, but we can listen to some intelligent lectures and speech to save our time and acquire knowledge from wisdoms.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Santa Claus Parade
I slipped this year's Halloween Parade because a Canadian told me he has never seen Halloween Parade in Toronto. I committed myself to seeing a parade in Toronto at least, so I wen to see Santa Claus Parade yesterday. Please, excuse me for using your word again. It is Fantastic!! It continued more than 3 or 4 hours, and people wore various costumes in the parade. They had peanut people, all kinds of animals, plants, and elfins. Yesteray is a sunny day, but it was still too cold to stay outside. However, There were so many people who stood beside Queen St. to see the parade, and it was almost stuck. I was lucky to meet Yuko to see the parade together. I think the better way to see a parade is getting a partner to share each other's feeling and happyness. Before we saw the parade, we walked for a long distance to find a Tim Horton to get some coffee and food to gain some energy first. I am not sure it was a good thing or bad one, for we took a tour around the downtown to look for Tim Horton. Originally, I don't like kids very much because I think they are so noisy. In contrast, I felt they were very cute, and they made the atmosphere fill with happiness. There was also something made me impressive what is they kept the first position for children, and even the kids were not theirs. People were generous and friendly here. It was a wonderful day, and I was glade that I found another side of Canadian's image.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Introduction of my Topic
Hum...My topic is How to open your own business in Toronto? I was a salesman in Taiwan for long time. In the beginning, I thought, like most people, choosing to be a salesman is a horrible decision because I maybe have to bow or greet my customers always, even I don't like them. In fact, it could be an Art if you know the trick to enjoy your selling progress. There are so many grocerys, restaurants, and fashional stores in Toronto, but there is still a lack of something. I was a tea seller. Tea is a cultural drink, and the best way to introduce tea is telling people its story and culture first. I made a plan about how to open my tea company in Toronto in my head, but I have no idea actually. Now it is the first step to make a foundation, so I have to gather the information about economic, population, laws, climate and etc.. Here are a lot of chinese in Toronto, yet here are just less tea stores or tea shops in this big city. On the other hand, here is a huge potential market about tea leave. I am not sure I will make this plan come true or not, but it is a nother way to be familiar with Toronto. We will see.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Note taking
Fantastic!! I didn't know the instructor is Patricia. Please, excuse me for being late for your workshop. Well, this class was good, but I couldn't think after I had my lunch in my stomuch. The food was so delicious!! Actually, it is still hard for me to take note after I got so many methods to take notes, and I think it depends on myself. Is there anybody has the same problem as mine? I like to write down what I want to remember, but it is not always the important one in a lecture or in a speech. There was something remind me that I am a lazy student for a long time,haha. I have to try to calm down, and then I can find waht the wrong with me. Yes! That is it. Fantastic.............
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is similar to the international trade exhibition in Taiwan, but what the difference is the area is really huge and there also was a competition for these farmers. There were two parts in this exhibition. One is display, and anohther one is full of animals. I almost don't need to vitsit the zoo in Toronto because I had a lot of fun with these dogs, cows, horses, pigs, goats, and chikens. This is hte first time I have no distance with thewse cute and friendly animals. It sounds a little stupid, but it is a luxurious experience to me. I love animals so much, but this was the first time I made some conversation with them in Toronto. What the fantastic thing is I exchanged my smell with a black handsome horse who didn't let anybody touch him, and we had tender contact with each other by my hand and his charming face. There was no sound, but filled with emotion and conversation. About the display, it was kind of a market where you could buy a lot kinds of things, and the feeling here was similar to my hometown. It was a good time to buy leathers because it was cheap, and I experienced the Canadian's shopping style impressively. By the way, I ate a Chinese Canadian's food, I think, Apple Dumpling, and it was really awesome. There was also a small section for display farmers' biggest or longest pumpkins, mustards, watermelon, and kinds of vegatables. Usually, we can see this exhibition about vegetables only in television in Taiwan. Eventually, we had a superdog show, and it was fantastic, too. Those dogs had competitions about jump and running, but the most excited one are audiences. I was immersed deeply in that situation with the noise made by cute kids, and suddenly I became a kid.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Little Miss Sunshine
What can I Say? It is a fantastic movie what I have never experianced before. The chair in the class is too firm to sit, but I was addicted to watching the whole movie. It is because my majoy was broadcast and TV, and I can tell the characters in this film are an unbelievable collection! I don't want to remaintain these funny people, but the director built this movie by these people's personality. It is a difficult and brilliant work to make a movie like this way. We watch too many Hollywood movies, and we are not acquainted with movie constructed in this way. You will never know what is going to happen next second, and it always gives audiences shocks. This big family includes different losers whom the son, Dwayne, defines make a warm and funny comedy. You know what? We can take advantage of watching this movie because all characters are depicting real personalities in our societies in one hour and forty-five minutes. They are concerned about money, food, education, love, and their future, just like you and me, but they are braver than us. People need kind of sudden encourage to push them do something unusual, and then they are going to change their lives or even the world. I love all of these chracters finally although I hate the father, Ricard, in the beginning. This family should be the worst one in the world, but it did somthing nobady dare to do forever. I don't know what other classmates got from this movie, but I did for sure. Thank you, Patricia and Kristina(Is the spelling right?). It is definite a good movie!! ^______^
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Life style
It is an interesting obseravtion about student's life style, especially students are from different countries. It is a stereotype that people from Italy are elegant or intense, people from Japan are serious or always in a hurrry, or people from Korea are tough or have strong personalities. It is not correct, but it is not wrong, either. I met conservative and elegant Italian, funny and relaxed japanese, and warm and interesting Korean in York University. Actually it explains some important appearances that people change their life styles when they are in a new country or people look forward to having environments to accord with their life styles. It is kind of potential energy in our body, and it pushes us to do something to be agreeable with our passion usually. To observe other people's life styles is a helpful way to improve our life styles. It help us easy to find the advantages and disadvantages in our lifestyles, and we have the chance to copy or gain something which our lives are short of always. It is not easy to debate what kind of life style is the best, but it still has space to process to make abetter life. If some people are accustomed to doing everything quickly, maybe they could learn how to slow down to enjoy their lives instead of just passing their lives. In contrast, if people do everything too slow or without energy, they should push themsleves more and be more active. Everyone can be anyone's mirror and teacher because everyone can reflect how you are and give you a lot of useful seggestions!
November 8,2007----It is snowing^o^
The best thing to me, a foreigner who's country has no snow almost, is snow is falling now, on my head, on my face, and on my body. I know it sounds like a stupid thing, however that truth is I am a stupid guy,Haha! People told me living in Toronto in winter was a horrible examine, and I believe all of you even I have never been here in winter. Snow is like a sign to declare that winter is coming. Welcome to myself to Toronto!
Friday, November 2, 2007
This is Brian.....First time speech
Hello Everybody,
Nice to meet you all! Don't forget your breakfast (no comma) because it is the most important meal per day. I am Brian who is a guy. I am studying English in York University. I have been in Toronto two months already, and I like this city just a little....Ha!Ha!....Somebody said if you keep doing something more than 21 days, this kind of behavior will become your habit, and I agree with that.
I am from Taipei where is north of Taiwan.
My major was Broadcast & Television.
My major is English now.
My favorite program is animation.
My favorite singer is Misia.
My favorite movi........
Nice to meet you all! Don't forget your breakfast (no comma) because it is the most important meal per day. I am Brian who is a guy. I am studying English in York University. I have been in Toronto two months already, and I like this city just a little....Ha!Ha!....Somebody said if you keep doing something more than 21 days, this kind of behavior will become your habit, and I agree with that.
I am from Taipei where is north of Taiwan.
My major was Broadcast & Television.
My major is English now.
My favorite program is animation.
My favorite singer is Misia.
My favorite movi........
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