Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Business

Jeff and me are going to open a new business. A new and interesting business. Jeff was my classmate in junior high school, and is my best friend in my life. At least until now. It is realistic to say this, but it's indeed easy to destroy our friendship while we are opening a business together. After all there are too many unnecessary elements in our friendship this period of time, which are money, authority, and desires. No one of us knows what is going to happen later, but just believe in each other. What the most important thing is what we are goign to do. A business to offer transportatiion to the disabled and whom could not use public transportation and taxi easily is what we plan to do. Actually there is a huge system to provide the same service, but the units to execute it are not responsible to do their duty while they are accepting the subsidy from government. Also, the rule to use or book this service is unsatisfied and narrow. It causes some people who really need this service have no chance to get this benefit in the end. This is the main reason for us to open a business to provide more service to fill to lack of demand by personal organization without subsidy. Of course we want to make money meanwhile. It is a positive circle. At this moment, the business will open on April first. There is no related experience to consult before we prepare the fundation for this enterprise. So wish us lucky. :))

Saturday, March 14, 2009


quoted from:
If I am right, the title of the book what I read this evening is "What I learned about business in Monopoly". It indeed made me shock. Here are several Chinese versions Monopoly in Taiwan. As I remember, we all play in one way which is to roll two dices turn by turn until somebody become bankrupt, then the game is over. It was all about luck and a little estimation only. However, I "learned" that the are some important and significant rules in this game. The way to buy a right of street, the way to build a house, the way to apply mortgages, the way to auction, and the way to caculate how much money we exactly receive when other players come to "visit" our streets and properties. Because of auction, mortgage, and the different rule to build houses, this game is much more familiar with fact in society and in the world. Of course, it is simple and easy to deal with all stuff happened in playing time. It is all about business. Risk and opportunity usually come together without absence of each other. It which is to be brave and careful all the time is the fundational condition to achieve a meaningful and successful life. Smooth process leads to a noraml or a fail future, but a process full of challenge leads to a various and beautiful future with posibility. There is not about goodness or badness. It is about what you really want in your heart deeply.