I had prepared so many plans to accomplish my goals, but suddenly all of them are useless now. I had enough time to be upset and anxious, but I finally comprehend that there is no time to waste. I used to be afraid about that there are too much misfortunes in my life, yet i found what i really fear is i always spend too much time on feeling angry and distracted. Saving the time to do what is worth to be done. Happiness appears all the time, and so does sadness. Why do people worry about that it is too short to enjoy happiness, or it is too long to bear sadness? I passed through the awkward feeling quickly this time, and i discovered i was the boss of myself instead of any others. It is hurt to change something seems as a matter of course always. It is comfortable to follow the traditional ones all the time. BUT what is the exact goal we pursue? The feeling or the following exciting result? The interesting point is we focus on the feeling in the beginning, and then later we are aware of that the goal is far away of the track because of our carelessness. It makes me feel exausted when I meet something except of my strategy, and i need time to recover from the negative emotion. it is waste obviously. Waste of time and energy. Now i still make plans previous, but they are not for the change but the goals and the future. NOT for the change.
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