quoted from:pencilsatdawn.wordpress.com/.../29/intersection/
Every time, every time I made some specific decision, then at least one more attractive item is going to appeal to influence my mind immediately. Probably it is a similiar situation for every body when there is a significant dicision be made up. It is! You can eat an apple and orange at the same time. You can watch TV and read some articles in the meantime perhaps. You can be playing basketball while you are thinking about your girlfriends. BUT, in some specific moment, you can have only one choice, only one. Such as when we are driving, we can choose high way to be faster to arrive ar the destination. Or it is a good decision to pass the ways in countryside to enjoy the scenery during a boring process of driving. However, it doesn't matter what way you choose in the beginning, but it is important to make a last decision while you are close to your destination enough. There are many many intersections on the way to your goal. And then it is necessary to make up your mind in this significant moment when the journey is approached to the end. Be honestly, it is so hard to make it for me. I am used to have more than two plans. If the best one, plan A, does not work, I still have plan B (maybe it is for reducing my feeling of disappointment and depression. There is nothing can be assure before you offer your whole energy to achieve the goal. Fortuantely, it can be ensure that the rate to be successful can be raised if the effort is enough or more. I think that spending 35 years on making up one's mind is an pretty expensive investment. Let me yield a positive result with all my strength. Let's see. :))
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