quoted from:www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/download/10016145/
I just finished this film. I don't know how but I do feel what he feels. The drama is a little be unusual, however it seems like a real section of a normal life. I found it is a good way to watch a movie, which is to immerse in it deeply and completely. When we admire a movie throughout with hearts and without judgements or thought, it is obvious to feel and get what the director wants to say and to present. Recently I got words which came from a famouos person, Oscar Wilde, which is,"No shallow people who do not judge appearance." Also I am reading a book, Against interpretation, which was wrote by Susan Sontag and had been translated to several languages already. It is definitely a new world for me to discover even though I found I am not so smart to understand everything she declared, and it is the first time that I found I am not clever enough. haha. too bad. I think maybe it is kind of a upgrade that I am looking for something to define myself in a harder way. Let's go back to this movie. I have to say Gwyneth Paltrow is really attractive and charming. Joaquin Pheonix was also amazing in this movie. It didn't make me cry, but I know I felt it clearly at that moment when he laughed and cried. Have a loook if you want to do it but not yet.
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