Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Got cold

It is not fantastic....I feel cold always; however I understand why people said they got cold when they were sick. Have you ever thought sick people were so charming? They talk fewer, and move slowly. They become quiet and polite becasue illness makes them weak. When I got cold, I always people around me treat me so gentle and sweet. Haha. Today my symbol was sore throat, and I tried not to talk too much. Unfortunately, I am a talktive person. I attend a lecture what's topic is environment science. Professor didn't use microphone, and it was harder for me to follow him. It was an interesting subject, yet professor made it a little boring. This was the last time that we could join Your's lecture in this seccion. I did a right decision, and I got some ideas in the lecture. Although I felt sleepy, it was a excellent experience. By the way, I found the Art college in York. It was amazing! That was my dream, ever. Anyway, I was enjoyable today very much. Thank everybody!

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